Ian Marrow takes us through the concepts of dispatches and acquisitions and the many traps that exist for businesses in this area
Sian Beusch explains the VAT rules concerning groups of companies
Good housekeeping in this area can add real value to the business in the current climate. Julie Park explores how
Simon Groom provides a refresher guide to these two sets of anti-avoidance provisions which should be considered when a company is sold out of a capital gains group
Charles Pascoe explains how to obtain the maximum value from accumulated trading losses in an insolvent company
A checklist of the tax issues arising on different scenarios, by Simon Groom
Your refresher guide, by Simon Groom
Andrew Lines looks at capital taxes from the shareholders' perspective when selling a company
Louise Willson examines the impact on these services of changes to the place of supply of services rules
Eloise Walker provides a case study covering all the key issues