In B Lynch v HMRC [2025] UKFTT 300 (TC) (10 March) the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) upheld discovery assessments of just under £10m on individual steps in a failed avoidance scheme where overall there was no economic advantage. Individual steps could not be ignored where these resulted in tax being chargeable.
The taxpayer participated in a marketed tax avoidance scheme for 2010/11 to 2013/14. The scheme was notified under DOTAS.
Investors claimed deduction for interest relief on a loan to invest in a partnership (ITA 2007 s 383 and s 398). It was agreed that this aspect of the scheme was ineffective.
The scheme involved a series of steps involving sale and purchase of qualifying corporate bonds (QCBs) by a limited partnership. In HMRC’s view these individual transactions gave rise to income assessable as interest despite failure...
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In B Lynch v HMRC [2025] UKFTT 300 (TC) (10 March) the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) upheld discovery assessments of just under £10m on individual steps in a failed avoidance scheme where overall there was no economic advantage. Individual steps could not be ignored where these resulted in tax being chargeable.
The taxpayer participated in a marketed tax avoidance scheme for 2010/11 to 2013/14. The scheme was notified under DOTAS.
Investors claimed deduction for interest relief on a loan to invest in a partnership (ITA 2007 s 383 and s 398). It was agreed that this aspect of the scheme was ineffective.
The scheme involved a series of steps involving sale and purchase of qualifying corporate bonds (QCBs) by a limited partnership. In HMRC’s view these individual transactions gave rise to income assessable as interest despite failure...
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