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DIY builders: electronic refund claims

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The Value Added Tax (Refunds to “Do-It-Yourself” Builders) (Amendment of Method and Time for Making Claims) Regulations, SI 2023/1201, enable DIY builders to file refund claims electronically, and extend the time limit for filing those claims to six months from the date of completion of the work (previously the filing window was three months). HMRC is empowered to specify the precise form of digital submission via a notice.

The regulations also remove invoices from the list of documents that must be submitted alongside the claim, intended as a measure to simplify the process.

In an accompanying tax information and impact note, HMRC say that the extended deadline will allow claimants more time to get their documentation together and complete their claim, resulting in fewer errors or omissions. The digital claim form will also include additional functionality (for example, including helpful hits to help get the claim right).

Issue: 1641
Categories: News