When will interest rates go up? Certainly not before the end of this year, and possibly not before the end of 2015, as the Bank of England finds reasons to delay, explains David Smith
Imagine if the only information we had on interest rates was that imparted by Mark Carney the Bank of England governor when he delivered his Mansion House speech in the City of London in June. We would now either be on the brink of or reacting to the first rate hike since 2007 and the first move in any direction since March 2009.
The Mansion House speech was the occasion you may remember when the governor electrified the markets by saying that rates could rise sooner than they expected. Since the markets were at...
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When will interest rates go up? Certainly not before the end of this year, and possibly not before the end of 2015, as the Bank of England finds reasons to delay, explains David Smith
Imagine if the only information we had on interest rates was that imparted by Mark Carney the Bank of England governor when he delivered his Mansion House speech in the City of London in June. We would now either be on the brink of or reacting to the first rate hike since 2007 and the first move in any direction since March 2009.
The Mansion House speech was the occasion you may remember when the governor electrified the markets by saying that rates could rise sooner than they expected. Since the markets were at...
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