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Press watch: ‘Oil and gas boom’

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Oil and Gas UK chief says tax measures have prompted businesses to ‘take another look at the UK’

‘Big oil companies and independent explorers are queueing up to spend at least £13bn on developing British oil and gas reserves this year, the highest figure in three decades. The boom is a result of tax changes designed to encourage a renaissance in the industry, according to Oil & Gas UK, the industry’s umbrella body …

‘Thousands of jobs are being created nationwide from the latest North Sea boom, Oil & Gas UK says. Investments announced in the past six months or so have resulted in about 7,000 new jobs being created, but more are expected across the supply chain …

‘Malcolm Webb, chief executive of Oil & Gas UK, said the forecasts came after two disappointing years brought about by tax uncertainty: “The recent introduction of targeted tax allowances ... coupled with the government’s ground-breaking commitment to provide certainty on decommissioning tax relief, has prompted global companies and independent businesses alike to take another look at the UK as an investment destination.”’

The Times, 25 February 2013
