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SDLT MDR denied where planning restriction existed.
SDLT pre-completion transactions and substantial performance: There are several complexities in G Goldsmith Ltd and another v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 927 (TC) (18 October) of interest to SDLT practitioners. It also shows some of the dangers which arise...
SDLT MDR claim denied: Shine Business Ltd v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 894 (TC) (7 October) is another in the long line of cases on the now-abolished SDLT multiple dwelling relief. Like all such appeals the decision is highly fact dependent. The FTT,...
MDR appeal allowed.
Recent decisions on mixed use SDLT, taxpayer behaviour and the meaning of ‘service’ under the remittance basis rules are reviewed by Edward Reed and Sam Epstein (Macfarlanes).
Application to strike out MDR claim rejected: HMRC has had a high level of success in appeals involving multiple dwelling and mixed used SDLT reliefs. In Newsand Ltd v HMRC [2024] UKFTT 221 (TC) (13 March 2024), HMRC sought to build on those...
Upper Tribunal rules against mixed use determination.
The meaning of ‘land transaction’ is more important than ever. Paul Clark (Cripps) and John Shallcross (Blake Morgan) explore the issues, with examples.
Leigh Sayliss (Memery Crystal) considers the effects that changes in one linked transaction can have on others.
When microwave meals aren’t enough.