Kevin Offer (Gabelle) reviews the case of English Holdings Ltd v HMRC, where corporate losses were claimed against income.
The Finance Bill hybrid mismatch legislation significantly expands the scope of the December draft legislation. James Ross (McDermott Will & Emery) reviews the changes.
Alison Lobb (Deloitte) considers the permanent establishment threshold and the consequences for cross-border trading.
Allan Cinnamon reviews the latest tax treaty developments this month, including BEPS Action 6; amendments to the US Model Tax Treaty; diverted profits in Australia; PE profit allocations; a Swiss Supreme court decision on beneficial ownership of dividends; and treaty provisions relating to PEs, equipment leasing and hybrids.
Peter Halford (PwC Legal) considers AG Kokott’s opinion in the ‘Austrian goodwill’ case, including its implications for the Commission’s appeals to the CJEU in the ‘Spanish goodwill’ cases.