Shiv Mahalingham (Duff & Phelps) provides a round-up of news affecting the transfer pricing sphere.
Allan Cinnamon (Cintax the Word Ltd) reports on tax digital trading, applying treaty benefits to partnerships, PE preparatory and auxiliary exemptions and recent treaty highlights
In the first of a new series, Allan Cinnamon provides a global review of tax treaty developments, including the UK’s DPT.
Our final report on the tax regimes of BRIC countries focuses on Russia: Andrey Duyunov and Petr Popov provide an overview of the country’s tax rules; Santhie Goundar reports on recent changes; and Andrew Terry gives a tax expert’s view on doing business in and with Russia.
Martin Zetter reviews transfer pricing developments from across the globe, from the latest Russian guidance to new case law in the US
Martin Zetter provides this month’s review of developments, focusing on those at OECD level and in France and Russia.