Mark Brailsford, Tax Partner, Chris Harrison, Tax Partner, and Amrit Dehal, Tax Senior Associate, Allen & Overy, continue our series on raising money in the current climate
Patrick Cannon looks at how the credit crunch is giving rise to SDLT charges and how these can be mitigated
The following titles were featured in 'Tax Publications' in The Tax Journal, Issue 940, 30 June 2008, and further details of these books can be found in that issue.
Allan Cinnamon, International Tax Consultant at BDO Stoy Hayward LLP, aided by colleague Stephen Herring, Senior Tax Partner, advises a UK fund promoter on structuring its European real estate fund
Richard Harbot, Associate, Berwin Leigton Paisner, looks at the four main structures used to facilitate a demerger and their treatment for tax purposes, focusing in particular on the Section 110 Scheme
Sarah Gatehouse and Jonathan Shaw, associates in the Corporate Tax Group at Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP, provide a broad overview of the various tax issues arising from a corporate insolvency
Elizabeth Bradley, Partner in the Corporate Tax Group at Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP, considers several tax issues for insolvent groups