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Country-by-country reporting peer reviews published

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The OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS has published a compilation of 2024 peer review reports on country-by-country (CbC) reporting. This is the seventh annual peer review for the BEPS Action 13 minimum standard, covering 138 jurisdictions.

Key findings include:

  • over 115 jurisdictions have a domestic legal framework for CbC reporting in place, with others having final legislation ready pending official publication, but over 50 jurisdictions received recommendations around putting domestic rules in place or improving specific areas of their existing framework;
  • 93 jurisdictions have multilateral or bilateral competent authority agreements for the exchange of information in place;
  • 99 jurisdictions have been assessed by the Global Forum in terms of measures they have adopted to ensure the confidentiality of CbC reports (given they include non-public information) with no action plan required; and
  • 84 jurisdictions are considered to have taken measures to ensure the appropriate use of CbC reports.
Issue: 1679
Categories: News