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Customs guidance roundup

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HMRC has published further new and updated guidance for imports, exports and customs to reflect the post-transition period regime:

  • Getting a customs guarantee: updated to add an explanation of ‘actual debt’ (where the debt has already arisen) and ‘potential debt’ (where the debt arises later). Businesses may need to get a guarantor if they do not qualify for a full reduction of the guarantee amount.
  • Using your general guarantee account and Apply for an account to defer duty payments when you import or release goods into Great Britain: updated to note that businesses can amend a standing authority if they use the Customs Declaration Service.
  • Use a cash account for Customs Declaration Service declarations: updated to add information to reflect that businesses can give someone such as a customs agent or freight forwarder authority to use their cash account number when making an import declaration.
  • Excise Notice 457: Bingo duty: revised to explain the rate of bingo duty, how to work out what bingo duty is due and how to pay it, what exemptions apply, records and accounts to be maintained, and HMRC’s compliance and enforcement powers and taxpayer safeguards.
  • Excise Notice 458: Lottery duty: revised to explain when lottery duty applies and the exemption for certain specified lawful lotteries, registration requirements for lottery promoters, records and accounts to be maintained, how to calculate duty, returns and payments, HMRC powers, and reviews and appeals.
Issue: 1538
Categories: News