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EU ‘own resource’ package

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The European Commission has announced further proposals for EU ‘own resources’, which includes a temporary statistical own resource based on company profits. This will not be a tax on companies, but a national contribution paid by member states based on the gross operating surplus for the sectors of corporations which will remain until the establishment of an own resource based on the Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) framework.

The Commission also proposes to adjust the own resources proposals based on the emissions trading system (ETS) and carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) compared to the original proposals from December 2021, by increasing the call rate for the ETS-based own resource to 30% from 25%, and to make a technical adjustment to the control framework of the CBAM. Meanwhile, the own resource based on residual profits re-allocated to EU member states under BEPS Pillar One is maintained.

Issue: 1624
Categories: News