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HMRC updates main guide to VAT

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HMRC has updated its Notice 700, The VAT Guide. This is the main reference guide to VAT, including the main rules and procedures, help with problems faced by business and references to specialist publications.

The April 2012 edition runs to 214 pages. HMRC says: ‘Not all of the information here will apply to your business – so don’t try to read it all the way through ...’

Virtually all businesses must now submit their VAT returns online and pay VAT electronically, for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2012. Guidance is provided on the HMRC website.

The CIOT has asked members to share their views by 22 April on HMRC’s consultation VAT – addressing borderline anomalies, which includes details of the controversial ‘pasty tax’ and closes on 4 May. ‘Initial responses suggest that there is a range of views among members and it is therefore important to get as many responses as possible to be able to put forward a considered response,’ the CIOT said.

Notice 60: Intrastat General Guide has also been updated.
