The Office of Tax Simplification has produced a report looking at ways in which the administrative process for making claims and elections could be simplified across income tax, corporation tax, CGT and VAT. The OTS identifies three key areas where its recommendations would benefit the broadest section of taxpayers:
Bill Dodwell, OTS tax director, pointed out that although millions of people make claims and elections, ‘there are still those who aren’t making claims for all that they are entitled to. Claims for employee expenses are a particular focus, together with claims for higher rate relief for pension contributions and gift aid donations.’
The Office of Tax Simplification has produced a report looking at ways in which the administrative process for making claims and elections could be simplified across income tax, corporation tax, CGT and VAT. The OTS identifies three key areas where its recommendations would benefit the broadest section of taxpayers:
Bill Dodwell, OTS tax director, pointed out that although millions of people make claims and elections, ‘there are still those who aren’t making claims for all that they are entitled to. Claims for employee expenses are a particular focus, together with claims for higher rate relief for pension contributions and gift aid donations.’