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Press watch: Tax avoidance protestors target banks

printer Mail

‘Britain's fastest-growing protest movement is to target scores of high street banks in the next stage of its campaign against government cuts and corporate tax avoidance. [UK Uncut] will stage its first national day of action against UK banks on 19 February.’
The Guardian, 10 February 2011

‘Anti-tax avoidance protests targeting Vodafone, Topshop and Boots have tapped into growing hostility towards big business over the issue, a Financial Times-Harris poll shows. Six out of 10 British people taking part in the poll said they thought it was wrong for UK businesses to “employ controversial but legal means of reducing their tax contribution at a time of economic uncertainty”. Only 15% of respondents agreed it was acceptable to use legal tax avoidance techniques.’
Financial Times, 11 February 2011
