Private tutors and coaches who have failed to declare their income have less than a month to notify HMRC that they plan to make a voluntary disclosure under the Tax Catch up Plan.
Private tutors and coaches who have failed to declare their income have less than a month to notify HMRC that they plan to make a voluntary disclosure under the Tax Catch up Plan.
The disclosure opportunity is open to people teaching traditional academic subjects, fitness and dance, musical instruments, art, life coaching, personal training and ‘other instruction’.
HMRC will investigate those who have not come forward by 6 January, using information drawn from various sources.
Private tutors and coaches who have failed to declare their income have less than a month to notify HMRC that they plan to make a voluntary disclosure under the Tax Catch up Plan.
Private tutors and coaches who have failed to declare their income have less than a month to notify HMRC that they plan to make a voluntary disclosure under the Tax Catch up Plan.
The disclosure opportunity is open to people teaching traditional academic subjects, fitness and dance, musical instruments, art, life coaching, personal training and ‘other instruction’.
HMRC will investigate those who have not come forward by 6 January, using information drawn from various sources.