The rules governing capital gains groups enable a streamlined approach within a group for dealing with chargeable assets. The primary benefit is that chargeable assets can be transferred between group companies without triggering a taxable gain (or loss). This treatment applies automatically without requiring an election thereby minimising the administrative and cash tax burden as regards internal asset transfers.
Additionally under TCGA 1992 s 171A group companies can elect to transfer all or part of a chargeable gain or allowable loss for the current year among themselves enabling tax-efficient utilisation of group tax attributes (for example tax losses). Also TCGA 1992 s 152 provides that rollover relief treats the group as a single...
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The rules governing capital gains groups enable a streamlined approach within a group for dealing with chargeable assets. The primary benefit is that chargeable assets can be transferred between group companies without triggering a taxable gain (or loss). This treatment applies automatically without requiring an election thereby minimising the administrative and cash tax burden as regards internal asset transfers.
Additionally under TCGA 1992 s 171A group companies can elect to transfer all or part of a chargeable gain or allowable loss for the current year among themselves enabling tax-efficient utilisation of group tax attributes (for example tax losses). Also TCGA 1992 s 152 provides that rollover relief treats the group as a single...
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