VAT: Option to tax
HMRC's VAT Information Sheet 08/10 announces minor amendments that came into effect on 1 April. It replaces Information Sheet 07/10 which contained an error. Other changes effective from 1 April were outlined in Revenue & Customs Brief 08/10.
VAT: Option to tax
HMRC's VAT Information Sheet 08/10 announces minor amendments that came into effect on 1 April. It replaces Information Sheet 07/10 which contained an error. Other changes effective from 1 April were outlined in Revenue & Customs Brief 08/10.
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VAT: Option to tax
HMRC's VAT Information Sheet 08/10 announces minor amendments that came into effect on 1 April. It replaces Information Sheet 07/10 which contained an error. Other changes effective from 1 April were outlined in Revenue & Customs Brief 08/10.
VAT: Option to tax
HMRC's VAT Information Sheet 08/10 announces minor amendments that came into effect on 1 April. It replaces Information Sheet 07/10 which contained an error. Other changes effective from 1 April were outlined in Revenue & Customs Brief 08/10.
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