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Emma Chamberlain OBE (Pump Court Tax Chambers) considers the new regime for non-doms from April 2025 and reviews the likely impact of the changes.
Sophie Dworetzsky and Dominic Lawrance (Charles Russell Speechlys) share their views on the current tax regime for UK resident non-domiciled individuals and what might happen under a Labour government.
Claire Weeks and Clare Maurice (Maurice Turnor Gardner) explain why returning to the UK after a period of non-tax residence is not for the faint hearted.
With HMRC’s scrutiny of taxpayers’ domicile status showing no signs of abating, Hugh Gunson and Louise Paterson (Charles Russell Speechlys) examine key lessons from recent case law.
Domicile disputes, exceptional circumstances, judicial review... Edward Reed and Kathryn Hart (Macfarlanes) review recent developments in the private client world.
Establishing domicile and whether tax loss due to carelessness
HICBC and discovery assessment powers: There is no sign of the flow of high income child benefit charge (HICBC) cases drying up. HMRC presumably hoped that the retrospective legislation to reverse the decision in Wilkes [2020] UKUT 150 (TCC), where...
Dominic Lawrance and Catrin Harrison (Charles Russell Speechlys) examine the Court of Appeal’s decision on partial closure notices in respect of domicile cases. 
Lynnette Bober (Gateley Legal) focuses on some key issues and problem areas which are likely to cross many advisers’ desks this year.

Damiano Sogaro and Gideon Sanitt (Macfarlanes) review recent litigation on the tribunal's role in determining domicile issues when considering challenges to an enquiry or to information notices.
