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Mike Clasper to step down as HMRC Chairman 'later this year'

printer Mail

HMRC has confirmed that Mike Clasper, HMRC’s Chairman since 2008, is to step down later this year. Yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph reported that Clasper had ‘quit’ after ‘a spate of high-profile controversies’. But HMRC said last December, in a footnote to a press release announcing the appointment of Lin Homer as Chief Executive, that the process to find a replacement for Clasper would commence early this year ‘as planned’.

An HMRC spokesperson told Tax Journal today: ‘Mike Clasper's contract is ending and he has decided to move on to other projects. He has delivered first class strategic leadership to HMRC but feels this is the right time to move on. He will step down later this year, on a date to be confirmed. The process to appoint his successor is ongoing.’

The Sunday Telegraph noted that all three of HMRC’s top jobs will have changed within a year.

Homer became Chief Executive in January. She succeeded Dame Lesley Strathie, who stood down last November because of illness and died in January.

HMRC is seeking a replacement for Dave Hartnett, Permanent Secretary for Tax. In the December press release Homer said Hartnett, who is 61, had ‘agreed to stay on’ until the summer of 2012.
