CenTax – the Centre for the Analysis of Taxation – is a new research centre dedicated to improving public understanding of tax policy and helping to design a better tax system by generating evidence that is rigorous and relevant to policymakers and the public. As Directors of the centre we’re keen to hear from and engage with tax professionals and are delighted to have this opportunity to introduce ourselves.
Some readers may be familiar with our work already since CenTax is part continuity and part new venture. We know that some of our previous research – on the non-dom regime most of all – has been controversial and not all readers will agree with the findings. CenTax will not shy...
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CenTax – the Centre for the Analysis of Taxation – is a new research centre dedicated to improving public understanding of tax policy and helping to design a better tax system by generating evidence that is rigorous and relevant to policymakers and the public. As Directors of the centre we’re keen to hear from and engage with tax professionals and are delighted to have this opportunity to introduce ourselves.
Some readers may be familiar with our work already since CenTax is part continuity and part new venture. We know that some of our previous research – on the non-dom regime most of all – has been controversial and not all readers will agree with the findings. CenTax will not shy...
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